Friday, September 11, 2009

Blogger's Block

Last night, actually for a couple nights now, I thought of a subject that I needed write up a post.

The conversation with myself went like this:

**thought of some incident that happened while on vacation**

"OMG I totally need to write up a post on that! Wouldn't that be cool? Now how would I start it.. Oh yes..."

And that is all I remember. I remember it being a totally awesome "Must Write" event/idea but I cannot for the life of me remember what it is. Very annoying. Next time I promise you I'll write it down at least.

Then it can at least go like this:

**thought of some incident that happened while on vacation**

"OMG I totally need to write up a post on that! Wouldn't that be cool? Now how would I start it.. Oh yes...Must write this shit down!"

*scribbled note found next morning: "Write on Supercalifragalisticexpialodocious"

To which I will probably be as confounded if not more so than I am right now.

Sometimes I wish I could just stop time when I get the notion to write, so that I can write for as long as I want at whatever time I want without really missing anything. Alas the urge to write always comes at the most inopportune times, like in the middle of an interesting party or while kissing some hot man.

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