Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Persistently Annoying

Mr Penny Pincher from last week (see my last post "Where Does The Time Go?") called me on Monday.

After my not replying to his emails, he calls me.

I of course do not answer.

1. Because I really feel like being a mega-bitch this week.

2. I really don't want to talk to anyone - Extremely Antisocial

3. I really don't want to talk to HIM or explain to him that I'm not interested. Because if he's this persistent he's going to try to talk me out it. And then I'll get roped into another date, which I don't want.

So I didn't answer.

I feel like crap because I didn't answer. I absolutely hate avoiding people, and much prefer the upfront approach. But that would require me to get out of my hermit hole and actually communicate.

I don't wanna deal with the world. But this guilt is going to make me. Dammit.

By the way, why is it only the guys that I don't want to date.. why is it only those guys that are persistent? Really? Why?

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